© Sylvie-Ann Paré


Ismaël Mouaraki



In Phenomena, Ismaël Mouaraki questions the evolution of mankind.

Indeed, given the seemingly infinite possibilities of amplification and transcendence that exist in our digital world of augmented realities dominated by artificial intelligence. The dancer’s bodies become hybrids in a space under tension, connected by a flow of data, always increasing in speed and power, offering a glimpse at the upheaval within.

In this new piece, Ismaël Mouaraki does not offer any ready-made answers. He does not claim to know what the future will be like, but questions how we are evolving in sociological, scientific and philosophical terms. If technology continues in the direction pursued in recent years, will it end up by completely integrating the body, so stealthily that we don’t even notice?

In this quest for trans-human immortality and the scientific and technical augmentation of man’s physical, psychic and intellectual capacity, are we on the verge of going beyond the limits of humanity, of transcending our biological limits in the hope of defeating death?

The ultimate challenge for Ismaël Mouaraki in this piece was to avoid having any technology present in the movements or in the bodies of the five dancers, who perform on a set stripped of all artifice. Discover an intriguing new work this coming March!

**School Matinee** available for school groups. Learn more in our section  Culture + / young audiences

Meet the artist: Thursday, March 14, after the performance.

Ismaël Mouaraki

Destins Croisés

March 13-14-15, 2019 – 7 p.m.

March 16, 2019 – 4 p.m.

60 minutes

22$, 28$ | 29$, 35$

Creative Residencies Agora de la danse, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Maison de la culture Notre-Dame de Grâce, Montréal, arts interculturels (MAI)

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