© Julie Artacho

L’affadissement du merveilleux

Catherine Gaudet


L’affadissement du merveilleux

In the beginning was the gesture. After scrutinizing humans and their affects, Catherine Gaudet is now probing the vital force driving human activity.

Taking a step back, she observes what she calls the “epic, cruel and fantastic story” of humanity, with its weaknesses and intensity, its obsessive cycles and contradictions. A vertiginous incursion into something greater than ourselves performed by five dancers.

The presentation of Tout ce qui va revient in the La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines series in March 2018 marked the end of a cycle. Catherine Gaudet is shifting away somewhat from her previous work, dispensing with theatricality based on human relational aspects. But at the heart of her creative approach is an effort to dig beneath the social mask, and as always a strong dose of ambiguity shades the aesthetics of hesitation.

In this new opus she focuses on cycles as a universal structure. To give them tangible shape, she uses the circular form– spatial, internal, instinctual… – as a backdrop. More geometric and refined, these postures nonetheless convey a profoundly human experience very much attuned to the other.

+PopupCamp : Dance Hall Kids Club available on September 28. LEARN MORE +

Catherine Gaudet


September 26 > 28, 2018 -­ 7 p.m.

September 29, 2018 - 4 p.m.

$22 > $35

Co-production Agora de la danse, Centre chorégraphique national de Tours (CCNT)

Creative residencies Agora de la danse, Centre chorégraphique national de Tours (CCNT), Centre de Création O Vertigo, Compagnie Marie Chouinard, École de danse Louise Lapierre, Maison de la Culture Frontenac


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