Matière blanche

Caroline Laurin-Beaucage


Matière blanche

Two women. Their identities are very similar but not identical, like the left and right hemispheres of the brain. They complement one another, tracking the mysterious threads of thought. Subject to the intensity of the flow that runs through white matter, a key element of our brains responsible for the rapid dissemination of information in the nervous system, they share the space, joining together, embracing each other. Half-human, half-matter, their bodies are subject to acceleration and deceleration. Their bodies undulate, clearing a path in the twists and turns of the mind, at the very heart of its fabulous complexity. With razor-sharp scalpels they welcome the spectator into this very cerebral space where sensations are shared, experimented with like neural pathways. Beyond the limits of the body, beyond the isolation of our heart of hearts, Caroline Laurin-Beaucage pursues her trilogy on the ritual dissection of bodies, seeking to forge a single sensory and visceral experience.

Caroline Laurin-Beaucage

Lorganisme et Montréal Danse

October 6, 7, 8 at 8 p.m.


Production: Lorganisme et Montréal Danse

Creative residencies: Agora de la danse, Maison de la Culture Pointe-aux-Trembles, Centro per la Scena Contemporeana Garage Nardini (Bassano), Italy (special thanks to Roberto Cassarotto and the city of Bassano)

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