If My Body Had A Name I Hoor Malas I H. Malas © Thibault Carron

If My body had a Name

Hoor Malas


If My body had a Name

Presented as part of Festival Accès Asie, Syrian-born choreographer and performer Hoor Malas narrates and shares her own story in this immersive solo performance.

What if my history and the environment in which I live, influence the way I move? Who is pulling the strings? Memory, mind, or body? A female figure sails between the reefs and swims between the waves of her own vulnerability. Constantly seeking harmony between thought and movement, Hoor Malas tries to find her place within the delicate limits where these boundaries merge and confront each other. Her movements, tinged with Middle Eastern imagery, evoke the social control of her origins, its echo, and its persistent vibration here and today. A state of being in her body revisited through an awareness of the weight of the societal expectations she has inherited, as well as the freedom that dance affords her.

Hoor Malas

May 15 2024 – 7 PM

May 16 2024 – 7 PM

45 minutes

29$ | 35$

Meet the artists, May 15 and 16 after the performances. Hosted by Nayla Naoufal.

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