Sacrer | Katya Montaignac | © Do Phan Hoi | Anaïs Chloé Gilles, Mecdy Jean-Pierre, Shanyça Élie-Leconte, Achraf Terrab


Katya Montaignac



Sacrer – where street dance takes over the iconic Rite of Spring, revamping the music and celebrating it in the atmosphere of a cypher.

Katya Montaignac serves as the catalyst for a rich collaboration, working with the dancers to  create a rejuvenated realm for this classic piece. Street dance and Stravinsky’s score have something in common. Both are surprising and uncompromising. Drawing from their lives and sharing personal experiences with the audience in this intimate work, the performers use their own vernacular to ask compelling questions. What do we do together? What do we view as “sacred”? The audience surrounds the performance space as an arena takes shape and an ad hoc community embarks on an adventurous ritual. 

Katya Montaignac

May 11, 12, 13, 2022 – 7 p.m.

May 14, 2022 – 4 p.m.

Espace orange

90 minutes

29$ | 35$

Midi-Coulisses, May 4, 2022 | Facebook Live. Voir événement
Meet the artists, May 12, 2022 after the performance

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