©️ Fanny Villeneuve


Line Nault



In this philosophical exploration of bodies and places, multidisciplinary artist Line Nault skilfully combines performance, installation, and technology to bring poetic landscapes to life.

©️ Fanny Villeneuve

Four performers inhabit the space, transforming a series of short poems into “moving landscapes.”  A world in the making unfolds before our eyes. The audience is as much a witness to the live creation of the show as to the show itself. Video and audio effects transform the action of the body into “matter-moments” that accumulate to create an island in constant evolution. Words become living tableaux in a subtle, nuanced work in line with Line Nault’s practice.


Line Nault

December 4-5-6, 2024 – 7 PM

December 7, 2024 – 4 PM

120 to 150 minutes - free entries and exits

29$ | 35$


For this show, where taking time to watch and listen is essential, the bar will be in the theatre.

Meet the artists, December 5th, 2024, after the performance


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