A cradle of love, a place of dreams and of solitude, a site for discovery and for games, the bed is an intimate, special place for a child. In Ô lit! (Bedtime!), the choreographer Hélène Langevin explores four moments of childhood as babies, children and adolescents transform the bed into a territory rife with possibility. From initial awakenings to the excesses of adolescence, the dance expresses contrasting worlds where poetry is enmeshed with energy, where dream and reality mingle. Aimed at children 4 and over, this piece features five performers who present with integrity and humour the magic of childhood through the microcosm of the bed.
Each performance is preceded by a parent-and-child workshop from 2:15 to 2:50. Free of charge, it is presented by the choreographer.
Bouge de là
February 1 and 2 at 3 p.m. (sold out)
Co-produced by Agora de la danse and the Young People’s Theatre