Nindy Banks ©️ Do Phan Hoi

B-Side #5



B-Side #5

Research and development laboratory, symposium, workshops and training for street dancers.

B-SIDE is a five-part event dedicated to thinking, training, and researching in street dance.

‘B-Side’, in Hip-Hop terms, refers to the backside of a vinyl record. Many have found lost gems, remixes, live cuts as well as limited editions! B-SIDE provides a stimulating platform that facilitates greater cultural exchange, and more focused exploration and insight into choreographic development for street dance, overall.

B-Side is an initiative of company Ebnflōh | Alexandra ‘Spicey’ Landé  since 2019.
The fifth edition of B-Side takes place from June 10 to 21, 2024 @ Agora de la danse.


  • Research and development laboratory for street dancers
    • For 10 days, the experimental lab research allows 8 artists to explore an embryonic idea in studio before presenting it in an informal setting. B-SIDE allows free reign as to choices and artistic orientations.


  • EBNFLŌWING – Intensive training for street dancers
  • June 16, from 9am to 6pm
  • With the support of Caisse Desjardins de la Culture
  • The weekend training sessions allows 15 to 20 selected up and coming street dancers to directly hone both the style and technique of their craft with specialists of the field right on hand.


  • ATELIERS DNA – Street dance workshop
    • 1 PM – 2:30 PM K’Niin
    • 2:45 PM – 4:15 PM Rashaad
    • 4:30 PM – 6 PM Tash
    • $ 25 1 workshop / $ 60 3 workshops
    • Info :
    •  Bridging (ish) the Gap -Une rencontre intergénérationnelle; June 12 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
      • Host: Promo
      • Guests: Justine, 99, The Mover et Black Kat
    • The Sonic Landscapes of battles -Discussion autour de la musique en streetdance; June 19 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
      • Host: Kosi
      • Guests: Shash’U, Benny Lava et Ridley

Information –>

Christina ‘Hurricane Tina’ Paquette


June 10-21, 2024

Production and a presentation by Ebnflōh dance company, in co-production and in co-presentation with Agora de la danse.

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