Significant learning experiences that are part and parcel of the training offered by the UQAM Dance Department, the performance-based classes of the B.A. program allow students to push beyond their usual limits and to hone their artistic skills. Whether performing a dance piece created specifically for them or one from the repertoire of a dance company, or creating and producing their own dance project, students are guided throughout the process so that they can present the best they have to offer. These performances expand their dance horizons, and the training and guidance they receive help them make the transition to careers as professional dancers.
Spectacle chorégraphique dirigé
Directed Public Performance
by George Stamos
April 9, 10, 11 and 12
8 p.m.
For the spring production of the Directed Public Performance of a New Work, the dance department at UQAM has invited George Stamos, a choreographer renowned for his intense physicality and his sophisticated use of humour. The work of this versatile artist emphasizes the dynamism of the performers in a fusion of dance, performance art and other media. A recurring theme is implicit in his work, acceptance of the other. His dance pieces portray a space of diversity, offering in all candour an opportunity for dancers to explore the multiples facets of their humanity. An evening tinged with irony, where students are asked to defy conventions.
Spectacle chorégraphique libre
Graduating Class Performance
Choreography graduates
April 16, 17, 18 and 19
8 p.m.
The Graduating Class Performance is the finishing touch for dance and choreography students after three years of training at the Dance Department. This annual presentation is a chance for two students to present their own choreography and to introduce audiences to the verve and spirit of a new generation. An evening of constantly evolving dance that reflects the personalities of these young dancers and choreographers.
UQAM Dance Departement
April 9, 10, 11, 12 at 8 p.m. and April 16, 17, 18, 19 at 8 p.m.