Choreographer Isabelle Van Grimde and composers Sean Ferguson and Marlon Schumacher are bringing the dialogue between dance and music to new heights in the choreography-concert Les Gestes. Onstage is a string quartet consisting unexpectedly of two musicians and two dancers. The latter are equipped with digital musical instruments developed at the IDMIL lab (Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory). Extending the dancers’s bodies these prototypes facilitate a vibrant encounter where technology meets tradition in a fusion of flesh and sound. Springing from the most elemental impulses of the body, the movement picks up the music and spatializes it, transforms it. Never have interactions between dancers and musicians been so refined, so visceral or so magical. A highly original sensory experience that blurs boundaries in an exaltation of the combined power of music and dance.
Van Grimde Corps Secrets
March 13-14-15 / 8 p.m. and March 16 / 4 p.m.
Co-produced by Van Grimde Corps Secrets and CIRMMT – Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Musique, Médias et Technologie, IDMIL, Agora de la danse, Concertgebouw in Bruges, Schouwburg in Arnhem and the Forum de Blanc-Mesnil.
A live@CIRMMT co-presentation