A memorable experience in the life of the students of the UQÀM dance program, these short choreographic presentations allow them to push their limits and refine their artistic qualities. Whether it is the creation and production of a new show or one specially conceived for the students by a professional choreographer, or perhaps the production of a show picked from a local or foreign dance company’s repertoire, the students will be called upon to give the very best of themselves.
For their spring-time production of the student choreographic presentation, the Dance Department has invited dynamic duo Les Sœurs Schmutt (twin sisters Séverine and Élodie Lombardo) to create a piece stamped with their usual spirited, zestful style. Fascinated by interdisciplinarity and seduced by theatricality, they will create an absurd and humorous world into which these audacious students will dive.
The student choreographic creation is the fruit of the dance program graduates’ wildest hopes and dreams. It concludes their training in creation and performance, giving them the opportunity to produce their very own original show. The public will appreciate the vivacity of tomorrow’s young talent.
April 13-14-15-16 + April 20-21-22-23 8 PM