Seven men (six actors and a dancer) dare to remain silent, the better to be heard, thus giving speech to the body. There is no dialogue here to hide behind. The only defence against the gaze of the audience is the group and strength in movement. Together they play, glide, jostle and embrace each other in a form of collective abandon, united by the sweat of sincere commitment. Devoid of any dance knowledge or technique, the performers have no choice but to follow the instructions of Karine Ledoyen, who has adroitly managed to exploit their inexperience in order to explore the masculine universe. Under her dictation, they express themselves in a new language that is physically intense and demanding for these untrained dance apprentices. They are exposed in all their raw energy and tender vulnerability. An ensemble work that is authentic and convincing, this piece melds theatre and dance into a cohesive whole.
Danse K par K
February 18, 19 and 20 at 8 p.m.
A Danse K par K production, co-produced by Daniel Danis, Arts / Sciences and the collective du Temps qui s’arrête.
First presented in 2013 at the Carrefour international de théâtre in Quebec City.